We rode up on a cable car. Leo (guide) pointed to a sign on the windshield of the cab that read, "THE SEVENTEENTH LIVING BUDDHA OF TIBET MAGEBA TOOK DESCENDING CABLE CAR ON JAN. 20TH, 1999." To him, this was a good omen.
This is a crisply repaired section of the wall. A stone tells something about the work:
"Once intended to ward off enemy attacks today it brings together the peoples of the world. The Great Wall, may it continue to act as a symbol of friendship for future generations.On Sunday afternoon, we appreciated the right angles and smooth surfaces underfoot. We knew our next encounter with the Wall--on Monday--was to be on a less tame version of the structure.
"In gratitude for the help provide by the Henkel-Group, Dusseldorf, in restoring this section of the Wall, Beijing, May 1989"
To get down to the staging area, we rode a little sled down a metal chute. Fun and fast. Don't think it was there in case the Mongols broke through, though. And there was no need for the seventeenth living buddha of Tibet to take it. He descended in the cable car, and it was winter, anyway.
Feb. 4:Beginning of SpringIt was at the Schoolhouse. Glad they didn't test me on it.
March 5: Waking of Insect
April 5: Pure Brightness
May 5: Beginning of Summer
Aug. 23: End of Heat.
Sept. 8: White Dew
Oct. 8: Cold Dew
Oct. 23: Frost's Descent.
Nov. 22: Lesser Snow
Dec. 7: Greater Snow
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