Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011 (Singapore)

SOMETHING MORE TO PACK FOR THE TRIP HOME: Evidently, I have come down with plantar fasciitis. Sandy was nice enough to get a massive boot on Saturday (above). Today, I went to see Dr. Yip at the Gleneagles Medical Centre. The doctor gave me some medication and cushioning cups for heels. No tennis for the near future, of course. Must wear the boot at night. Unlike the toaster we bought, we will likely bring this home with us. You can always use an aircast. I'm wondering I should turn for medical help to those foot-nibbling "Doctor Fish" (garra rufa) (right) that I mentioned in the March 20 entry.

AND NOW, WE TAKE YOU TO GHANA: I suppose one of the last things you would expect to find here is a clip from a television show in Ghana. I understand that. However, I'm putting it here, anyway. It's from an episode of Be Bold, a talk show. (The show's title is an acronym for "Bringing Education and Building Opportunities for Leadership and Development".) The interviewer is Christal Jeanne, who is in Accra. This is a business-news analysis presented weekly (I think) by ghana. This includes footage of some of the Yale School of Management students who went to Ghana a couple of weeks ago. Andrew Herron pops up at the 7:09 mark:

Speaking of long-distance communication, I had a fairly long gchat with Eddie, who’s making his way through the final classes at Cornell, with the diploma nearly within his grasp. He just sent a cover letter and resume for a job interview in New York City.

CRANE UPDATE: The cranes are maintaining an excellent pattern of down-time at the Tanjong Pagar Container Terminal here in Singapore. This means things are looking up according to the latest Singapore Crane Index Limited Economic Indicator. Here's the latest look-out-the-window tally:

Date: April 25
Time: 10 a.m. (Singapore time)
Cranes Up (inactive): 8
Cranes Down (active): 17
CRANES MISSING (puzzling): 2

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