YA GOTTA LOVE 'EM: My source of information in this matter is limited (not surprising), but I have come to the conclusion that the shells of the eggs I've been using in the kitchen are MUCH THICKER than the eggs I was using in Massachusetts. They're stronger. They break in a more crispy manner. They can handle a mechanical ink stamping. Simply put, I love the egg shells here in Singapore. (Sandy does, too, I will say.) I have done some hands-on research on egg shells here. Preliminary "tests" indicate that the strength of the shell is NOT sufficient to allow them to bounce off a tile floor in a kitchen. I'm not saying they taste better. I'm just saying they are easier to handle with confidence. I like that. The eggs in the picture (above) are Seng Choon brand eggs. For now, I am calling this piece Still Life of Singapore Eggs Their Original Plastic Housing No. 5.
The high quality of the egg shells raises one question: Is it easier to WALK ON EGG SHELLS in Singapore than elsewhere? (It's a phrase that is used in these parts.)
TODAY'S CRANE REPORT: Here's the readings of the Singapore Crane Index Limited Economic Indicator. The numbers must be taken with some reservations. It's a late reading because Sandy and I took a walk around Marina Bay when the tally should have been taken. No staff member stepped up. So, the reading is about 90 minutes late. (It did allow time for a massive ship to move into the dock and for the cranes to come down, skewing the numbrs in a positive direction.)
Date: Feb. 27
Time: 9:50 a.m. (Singapore time)
Cranes Up (bad): 10
Cranes Down (good): 15
CRANES MISSING (unknown degree of goodness/badness): 3